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Billionaire Parenting

Book Review



  • This departure from conventional wisdom uses a holistic lens to reimagine prevalent child development models.

  • This distinctive guide to your baby’s beginnings tackles topics rarely covered in
    traditional parenting manuals. While the book covers some familiar subjects like prenatal nutrition and childhood vaccines in the pages of Billionaire Parenting: Give Your Kids the World , it also contains more esoteric ideas like fetal psychology, epigenetics, and energy medicine. Coauthors Jennifer Luc and Dr. Stéphane Provencher ask readers to open their minds to new possibilities, offering a passionate, if not always authoritative, message about human potential.

  • Luc and Provencher take their title from their seminal idea: that babies are born with billions of brain cells, and that the job of parents is to maximize their chances of utilizing the riches that are their birthright. The book is jam-packed with ideas, starting with the possible effects of parental messages on the baby in utero. Both authors offer personal anecdotes: Luc’s based on her experiences as a child and a mother, as well as her education in psychology; Provencher draws on his work as a chiropractor and his interest in craniopathy and energy medicine. These “insight” sections are interspersed between surveys of research into optimum human development and alternative ways to prevent or mitigate problems like ADHD, autism, depression, and obesity in children.

  • It’s a lot to take in, and this is a book best read quickly once through and then kept on hand for reference, although it lacks an index that would help readers sort through the more than five hundred pages of material on a wide range of topics, including chakras, hypnosis, yoga, Reiki healing, chiropractic adjustments, herbal remedies, and flower essences.

  • The writing style varies throughout, moving from Luc’s intensely personal stories to Provencher’s professional anecdotes about the power of chiropractics. Both authors exude confidence, although the evidence offered for their sometimes radical conclusions varies in strength.

  • Many of the medical sections rely on the writings of outside experts—from Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work with water exposed to different environments to Jo Dunning’s development of the Pulse Technique for resolving repressed emotions.

  • Those who go into Billionaire Parenting expecting a version of perennial favorites like Penelope Leach’s Your Baby and Child series or Heidi Murkoff’s What to Expect books will be surprised by the far-reaching and challenging ideas presented. Those who pick it up looking for a fresh perspective, however, will find many intriguing ideas here to spur further study.

Billionaire Parenting

Give Your Kids the World

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